Monday, March 23, 2009

Bam-Bam, Ba-nam-Bam! Ba-na-nam, ba-nam-bam-bam!

I considered writing this movie night post on some of my favorite visual jokes in movies, since Jurassic Park has one of them:

But the only other one I could think of off the top of my head is from the Big Lebowski, when the dude tries to prop his door closed with a chair, but the door opens out, so the plan is ineffective. If I think of any more, maybe I'll submit a list to PaRMLoT. In the meantime, I'll use this post to rehash an old conviction, and make a different list while I'm at it.

If you know how to read music, you'll likely recognize that the title of this post is the main theme from Jurassic Park, which we watched last night. This makes it the second movie night movie we've watched with a John Williams score. I therefore insist the next movie we watch be scored by Hans, because I like him better. Here are some options:

Movies Scored by Hans Zimmer That We Should Watch for Next Movie Night
1. True Romance
2. Backdraft
3. Twister

Those are some of my favorites. Other options include Cool Runnings, Thelma and Louise, The Dark Night, The Lion King, Gladiator, Rain Man, The Rock, Crimson Tide, Black Hawk Down, or Frost/Nixon.

Or Muppet Treasure Island.