It wasn't all fun and games. Someone had to cook. We let Tom out of the kitchen briefly to get some air. It must have been intense in there, seeing as how he had to wear goggles to make sandwiches.
We couldn't even eat inside, so we ate in the cold snow:
There were no chairs left, so I was forced to go hang out in the hammock that we set up between our condo and the trail:
Somehow, we managed to end the day in high spirits:
Our condo was hard working all weekend. Not only did we hit the slopes, but we also wrote midterms, two at a time! Without even changing out of our ski gear! While drunk!
When that was all said and done, we finally relaxed, figuring we were in the clear. It sure was tiring out there, so we had a little family time by the fire:
You deserve that, Colin.
But wait! What is that sneaking up on Talia?
Surely it's not... it couldn't be... a mustache invasion!
This mustache means business.
It's business time for this mustache.
Aaaaaand there was an alien. He was really tall and lanky. And maybe blond.
Alas, all good things must come to an end. And so we bid you adieu, Jay Peak, avec tes Quebecoises si belles et ton drapeau Canadien si fort et magnifique. A la prochaine, ma cherie.
le management
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