Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dogs CAN Have Chocolate?

I got real excited about the holiday treats Dad sent the suite—chocolate eggs, chocolate rabbits, nerf football.

Until I realized: nerf football? Nerf isn't chocolate. As far as I know, nerf isn't edible at all, unless you're a dog or a baby (or a baby dog) and you eat everything. Then I checked the return address on the package:

Yep. Corcoran Pet Care Center. My dad sent us dog treats; it was nothing more than a mid-April Fool's joke. Well, nice try, Pops, but you can't fool this Columbian. I immediately went downstairs to throw the whole assortment away. Alas! Michael had already downed the chocolate and was well on his way toward finishing the nerf football.

I wanted to tell him off, but he didn't know any better! So I gave him a tummy rub and called it a day.

1 comment:

  1. I figured that since it was happy easter AND passover that the football had some passover-related significance
