Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.


Tonight we'll be screening the theatrical masterpiece Army of Darkness (1992), starring Bruce Campbell as Ash--a man accidentally transported to 1300 A.D. where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon so he can return home. Complications arise.

If you still aren't sure, check out these catchy taglines, most likely written by a pre-teen IMDb surfer:

-1 Man, 1 Million dead, The odds are just about even.

-They move. They breathe. They suck.

-Sound the trumpets, Raise the drawbridge, and drop the Oldsmobile.

-How can you destroy an army that's already dead?

-In an age of darkness. At a time of evil. When the world needed a hero. What it got was him.

In all seriousness though, this movie is amazing. See you at 10:00... and bring your 'boom stick'


  1. dude, you can't comment on your own post. that's like writing on your own facebook wall

  2. true: I broke a clear blogging norm

    but: I just had to beat you cheeky bastards to the chase
